Weld Fume Control

- Weller® - Compact Filter for Fume Extraction SystemsCompact Filter for Fume Extraction Systems by Weller®. Designed specifically for do-it-yourselfers to help them realize their craft projects in a quick and effective way, this innovative and user-friendly tool is highly sought-after....Will help you get your DIY hobby project done like a proEasy and comfortable handling, effective results$367.70 - $749.38
- Weller® - 60 mm Easy Click End Cap for Volume Extraction Units (T0058762774)60 mm Easy Click End Cap for Volume Extraction Units by Weller®. For use with Volume Extraction Units. Designed specifically for do-it-yourselfers to help them realize their craft projects in a quick and effective way, this innovative...Will help you get your DIY hobby project done like a proEasy and comfortable handling, effective results$15.38
- Weller® - 9.8' Extraction Hose (700-3051-ESD)9.8' Extraction Hose by Weller®. Designed specifically for do-it-yourselfers to help them realize their craft projects in a quick and effective way, this innovative and user-friendly tool is highly sought-after. The product was...Will help you get your DIY hobby project done like a proEasy and comfortable handling, effective results$110.91
- Weller® - Benchtop Smoke Absorber (WSA350)Benchtop Smoke Absorber by Weller®. Great for workspaces using more active fluxes used with lead-free solder. Fumes are absorbed by the replaceable carbon-activated filter. Designed specifically for do-it-yourselfers to help them...Quit fanRemoves flux fumes from soldering workbench$112.90
- Weller® - Compact Filter for MG100, MG100S, MG80S, WFE2X Fume Extraction Systems (100-2003-ESDN)Compact Filter for MG100, MG100S, MG80S, WFE2X Fume Extraction Systems (100-2003-ESDN) by Weller®. For use with MG100, MG100S, MG80S, WFE2X. Designed specifically for do-it-yourselfers to help them realize their craft projects in a...Will help you get your DIY hobby project done like a proEasy and comfortable handling, effective results$749.38
- Weller® - Compact Filter for MG140 Fume Extraction System (145-2000-ESDN)Compact Filter for MG140 Fume Extraction System (145-2000-ESDN) by Weller®. For use with MG140. Designed specifically for do-it-yourselfers to help them realize their craft projects in a quick and effective way, this innovative and...Will help you get your DIY hobby project done like a proEasy and comfortable handling, effective results$367.70
- Weller® - Gasfilter Cleanroom Filter for MG100S, WFE2X Fume Extraction Systems (100-2002-ESDN)Gasfilter Cleanroom Filter for MG100S, WFE2X Fume Extraction Systems by Weller®. For use with MG100S, WFE 2X. Designed specifically for do-it-yourselfers to help them realize their craft projects in a quick and effective way, this...Will help you get your DIY hobby project done like a proEasy and comfortable handling, effective results$749.38
- Weller® - Cleaning Brush for Fe Tube (T0052540999)Cleaning Brush for Fe Tube by Weller®. Designed specifically for do-it-yourselfers to help them realize their craft projects in a quick and effective way, this innovative and user-friendly tool is highly sought-after. The product was...Designed to help to get your job done rightManufactured utilizing the highest quality materials$10.48
- Weller® - Filter Cap for Fume Extractor Unit (T0058711719)Filter Cap for Fume Extractor Unit by Weller®. Designed specifically for do-it-yourselfers to help them realize their craft projects in a quick and effective way, this innovative and user-friendly tool is highly sought-after. The...Will help you get your DIY hobby project done like a proEasy and comfortable handling, effective results$7.58
Their alternatives are on-torch systems, where the welding torch features an integrated fume extractor. Fume removal is done via openings on the torch tip and hoses that connect to a collector. There are applications where at-source fume removal cannot be efficient, like plasma cutting and robotic welding. There are many other weld fume control means for these instances, including canopy hoods. Downdraft tables have a double duty of being a work bench and a piece of extraction equipment. These tables have built-in ventilation to collect smoke and metal dust. Whatever your application, we offer the right weld fume control units for clean working conditions.
Welding fumes pose serious health risks, so there are laws that oblige companies to minimize operator exposure to these hazardous gases, welding smoke, and dust. There are various fume control solutions on the industrial market, including high vacuum systems, extraction arms and hoods, weld booths, downdraft tables, and others. They come in portable and stationary forms and offer many models for a range of operational needs. Extraction at source is the most efficient fume control method, which allows for the cleanest and safest work environment. It is achieved through extraction arms that come in many flexible, easy to position constructions.